About us

About us | Your hotel in Biel

The idyllic area of the Lake Biel and the Hotel Schlössli could not match better together. While you are enjoying the rest, consider the numerous activities, which this area offers you.

The hotel offers you a full range of services, so your stay is going to be more enjoyable than you expect.

Lo­ca­tion, ar­chi­tec­ture, in­te­ri­or de­sign, in­fras­truc­ture, rich culi­nary and cul­tu­r­al at­trac­tions make the Ho­tel Schlöss­li more than just a beau­ti­ful and cosy ho­tel. The area of the Lake Biel and the good tran­s­port fa­cil­i­ties com­bine re­lax­a­tion with work and trav­el.


facts & fig­ures

Open­ing Times 47 Rooms Park­ing
Mon – Sun in­cl. holi­days 3 Ju­nior Suites (non smok­er) 30 free park­ing spaces
En­trance 24h manned
(night porter )
42 Sin­gle/dou­ble rooms & 2x 2-room-suites (non smokers) 28 un­der­ground park­ing spaces
Re­cep­tion: 24/7 De­tails 1 parking place for a coach (free of charge)
Check-in: 2 pm / Check-out: 11 am